
Join Us!

Open positions

A postdoctoral researcher position is open (application deadline 26.03). For further details please follow the link.

We are interested in:

  • Bioenergy
  • Synthetic Biology
  • Bioimaging
  • Protein expression in photosynthetic organisms
  • Laboratory automation
  • … especially in combining out interests …

PostDoc projects

  • Please contact Rahmi or Martin if you are planning to apply for a PostDoc fellowship (Marie Curie FP7, Horizon 2020, HFSP, DFG, FEBS, Humboldt, EMBO, NSF, ERC, DAAD) and are interested in working in the PhotoSynLab.
  • Apply to be invited to Trondheim and discuss fellowship projects (follow link).

PhD projects

  • Martin and Rahmi would be happy to support your application for internal (NTNU) and external PhD position funding.

    Please note that we do not hire ad hoc, hence please do not send us an e-mail to request a PhD position unless there is a position (internal or external) available.

Master’s projects

  • We are interested to discuss Master’s thesis projects with prospective students
  • If you plan to apply through the ERASMUS programme, please contact us as early as possible.