
Author: Anne Vogel

Winner of the Photo Competition

Anne won the first prize of the photo competition at the Department of Biotechnolgy and Food Science (IBT). Her picture of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 was selected out of more than 60 pictures. The picture was taken with SEM at the University in Oslo in collaboration with Antje Hofgaard, Norbert Roos and Hanne Winther-Larsen and colorized manually. It will be used as a cover picture for the strategical plan of IBT and it will also be displayed in the newly established picture gallery in K3/K4 at Gløshaugen.

Congratulations Dr. Schneider!

Olha Schneider successfully defended her doctoral thesis entitled “Genome mining of actinomycete bacteria for new natural products” and earned her PhD. The research has been performed at the PhotoSynLab under supervision of Rahmi Lale. We are very proud of her accomplishment and wish her all the best in her future endeavors!

Presentation at Goldschmidt 2018, Boston

Anne and her colleague from the Department of Chemistry, Annie Vera Hunnestad, presented the results of their collaboration at the Goldschmidt 2018 Conference in Boston, USA. The Goldschmidt conference is the foremost international conference on geochemistry and it was therefore very interesting to approach iron acquisition in Synechococcus sp. PCC7002 from a biogeochemistry standpoint. The presentation was followed by a lively discussion of the subject.

Anne at ICMP in Vancouver

Anne has presented her research in a 15 minute presentation together with her colleague Annie Vera Hunnestad from the Department of Chemistry at NTNU at the International Conference for Molecular Photosynthesis (ICMP) in Vancouver. This conference is organized by the ISPR. The presentation was followed by a lively discussion about iron acquisition strategies and conductive type IV pili.